

中国生物特征识别大会(Chinese Conference on Biometric Recognition,CCBR)是由中国图象图形学学会(CSIG)、中国人工智能学会(CAAI)、中国科学院自动化研究所主办的国内生物特征识别领域的学术盛会。自2000年以来,CCBR已经在北京、杭州、西安、广州、济南、沈阳、天津、成都、深圳、乌鲁木齐、株洲、上海和徐州等地成功举办了17届,有力地促进了国内本领域的学术和技术发展。

第十八届中国生物特征识别大会(CCBR 2024)将于2024年11月22-24日在南京国际会议大酒店举行,由南京理工大学、南京大学、南京邮电大学和东南大学联合承办。本届会议将汇聚国内从事生物特征识别理论与应用研究的广大科研工作者,并邀请国际同行,共同分享我国生物特征识别研究的最新理论和技术成果,为大家提供精彩的学术盛宴。

现向广大科技工作者公开征集优秀学术论文(英文),大会录用的稿件将由Springer出版社的Lecture Notes in Computer Science(LNCS)图书系列出版,并被EI和ISTP检索。

  • 人脸、虹膜、指纹、掌纹、静脉、声纹、步态、手势、人体动作、笔迹、足迹等生物特征识别
  • 以人为中心的AIGC(人脸合成、语音合成、手势生成、人体动作生成等)
  • 生物特征伪造与鉴伪
  • 活体检测与反欺诈
  • 对抗攻击与主动防御
  • 基于生物特征的人口统计学分析(年龄估计、性别估计、种族估计等)
  • 基于生物特征的情感计算
  • 多模态与多光谱生物特征识别
  • 生物特征获取装置
  • 生物特征质量评价与增强
  • 生物特征数据库、评估方法与基准测试
  • 模板保护与密码系统
  • 隐私与公平
  • 生物特征识别的可解释性
  • 动物个体识别
  • 大规模生物特征识别系统
  • 生物特征识别行业应用(移动终端、医疗健康、银行、物联网、无人驾驶、智能机器人、社保、司法鉴定等)

投稿截止日期:2024年7月31日  2024年8月15日

录用通知日期:2024年8月31日  2024年9月15日

终稿截止日期:2024年9月15日  2024年9月30日

Call for Papers

The Chinese Conference on Biometric Recognition (CCBR) is a domestic academic event in the field of biometric recognition sponsored by the China Society of Image and Graphics (CSIG), the Chinese Association of Artificial Intelligence (CAAI), and the Institute of Automation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Since 2000, CCBR has been successfully held 17 sessions in Beijing, Hangzhou, Xi'an, Guangzhou, Jinan, Shenyang, Tianjin, Chengdu, Shenzhen, Urumqi, Zhuzhou, Shanghai and Xuzhou, effectively promoting academic and technological development in this field in China.

The 18th Chinese Conference on Biometric Recognition (CCBR 24) will be held in Nanjing from November 22 to 24, hosted by Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing University, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications and Southeast University. This conference will gather a large number of domestic researchers engaged in the theory and application of biometric recognition, and invite international peers to share the latest theories and technological achievements of biometric recognition research in China, providing a wonderful academic feast for everyone.

We are now publicly soliciting excellent academic papers (in English) from a wide range of scientific and technological researchers. The manuscripts accepted for the conference will be published by Springer Publishing's Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) book series and indexed by EI and ISTP. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Face, Iris, Fingerprint, Palmprint, Vein, Voiceprint, Gait, Gesture, Action, Handwriting and Footprint Recognition
  • Human-centric AIGC (Face Synthesis, Speech Synthesis, Gesture Synthesis, Human Motion Generation, etc.)
  • Biometric Forgery and Deepfake Detection
  • Liveness Detection and Anti-Spoofing
  • Adversarial Attack and Proactive Defense
  • Demographic Analysis from Biometric Data
  • Affective Computing from Biometric Data
  • Multi-Modal and Multi-Spectral Biometrics
  • Acquisition Device of Biometric Data
  • Quality Assessment and Enhancement of Biometric Data
  • Datasets, Evaluation and Benchmarking
  • Template Protection and Cryptosystems
  • Privacy and Fairness
  • Interpretability of Biometrics
  • Recognition of Individual Animals
  • Large-Scale Biometric Systems
  • Biometrics in Mobile Terminals, Healthcare, Banking, Internet of Things, Self-Driving, Intelligent Robots, Social Security, Judicial Appraisal
Important Dates:

Paper Submission Deadline: July 31, 2024  August 15, 2024

Notification of Acceptance: August 31, 2024  September 15, 2024

Camera-Ready Deadline: September 15, 2024  September 30, 2024









Word模板(2003, 2007




1. 请登录(Microsoft CMT系统),然后按照以下步骤来上传文件:Submission → actions → Create Camera Ready Submission。

2. 投稿至会议的论文应该由英文写作并且从未公开发表过。论文的长度最多为10页(包含参考文献) 并且使用 Springer LNCS模板(即CCBR2024官网提供的模板)写作。

3. 文章应该包含标题,摘要,关键字,正文以及参考文献。

4. 我们目前不接受在版权文件上使用数字签名。请打印并手写签名,扫描后再上传。模板如下:SNCS_ProceedingsPaper_LTP_ST_SN_Singapore.docx


    1). 我们已在版权文件中填入Title of the Book or Conference Name以及Volume Editor(s) Name(s)。若无法看到内容推荐使用Adobe Acrobat Reader DC或者Chrome打开。

    2). 除了签名手写外其余的请在pdf内进行填写。

5. 作者需要上传的文件包括:

    1). 论文的pdf文件。

    2). 版权文件。

    3). 所有的源文件(包括LateX文件以及相关联的style文件, 特殊字体文件以及eps文件,或者是Word文件以及rtf文件)以及bib文件和图片文件。这些文件请打包压缩后提交。


Paper Submission

All papers will be submitted through the online system and must be registered before submission. Authors participating in this conference are required to submit a maximum of 10 pages of English articles. All papers will be reviewed by experts, and the final results will be sent to the authors via email. For accepted articles, a presentation or display board must be prepared. If the author is an IEEE member, please make a statement when registering for the conference.

All papers must be written in English and will be reviewed through a double-blind peer review process. Please submit anonymously a maximum of 10 pages of full paper including text, figures and references.

Article Template:

Please click the links below to download the template files:

LaTeX Template (LaTeX2e)

Word Template (2003, 2007)

Submission Link:

Guidelines for Paper Submission:

1. Please log in to the Microsoft CMT system to proceed. You can access the submission system at the following URL:

Then, follow these steps to upload your files: Submission → actions → Create Camera Ready Submission.

2. All papers submitted to the conference must be written in English and must not have been previously published. The length of each paper must not exceed 10 pages, including references, and should be written using the Springer LNCS template provided on the official website of CCBR2024.

3. The paper should include a title, abstract, keywords, main text, and a reference list.

4. Please be advised that digital signatures are not acceptable on the copyright form at this time. You are required to print the form, sign it by hand, scan the signed copy, and then upload it. A template of the copyright form is available at:


    1) We have already filled in the "Title of the Book or Conference Name" and "Volume Editor(s) Name(s)" sections in the copyright form. If you are unable to see the content, we recommend using Adobe Acrobat Reader DC or Chrome to open the file.

    2) Please fill in all other fields within the PDF except for the hand-written signature.

5. The files that authors need to upload include:

    1) A PDF file of the paper.

    2) The copyright forms.

    3) All source files, including LaTeX files and related style files, special font files, EPS files, or Word files and RTF files, as well as the bib files and image files. Please compress these files into a single package before submission.

Please make sure that you have all three files available at the time of Camera-Ready submission, and ensure consistency of the versions of these files.